速報APP / 商業 / Chemical Compatibility Database

Chemical Compatibility Database



檔案大小:724 KB


版本需求:需要 iOS 3.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Chemical Compatibility Database(圖1)-速報App

Every day thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians need to determine chemical compatibility for storage, transport and use. Finding the right material compatibility is key to safety and saving money. This app leverages years of research on chemical compatibility for plastics, metals, Elastomers and ceramics. It contains more than 24,528 entries covering 584 chemicals and 42 materials. One of the most comprehensive chemical compatibility databases in the world is now available for your iPhone and iPad.

Our easy to use interface allows you to search in a variety of different ways to get the results you need for your project. Can’t find the chemical or material you’re looking for? Use the included call button to contact our FREE applications assistance for additional help.

Chemical Compatibility Database(圖2)-速報App

Chemical Compatibility Database(圖3)-速報App

Chemical Compatibility Database(圖4)-速報App
